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Thank You For 15 Years of Tea!

Thank You For 15 Years of Tea!

What a wild ride it’s been! 

This tea journey was inspired by a certain otherness, an aversion to the effects of coffee, the lack of synchronicity found in many societal structures and a desire to look beyond the constraints of western medicine. 

We’ve been though a lot together, from festivals to tea missions, changed our label from Tea Monkey to Cha Ren (Tea Person) we’ve hosted book readings and have been mentioned in periodicals as well as articles by CNN. I’ve been interviewed for a podcast hosted poetry readings and art exhibits, had concerts and house shows and comforted as well as celebrated many tea friends. 

Seeking Sustainability became our latest mission bringing thoughtfulness and Intention to center stage as well as whole lot of lovely compost to fortify future gardening endeavors. 

Looking back on our time together and the contents of this page, I’m a bit stunned by all the adventures we’ve had. These past few years in particular have been the most dramatic, I now have a husband and daughter and we’re about to take our first journey to India with hopes of connecting with a fair trade cardamom supplier and absorbing the essence of the land whose milky drink has cradled and nurtured my soul. But that’s not the end of our story, we have a few new chapters in the works! 

You can look forward to getting our wares delivered via Shipt in the very near future as well as in a local Philadelphia Hotel, but more info on that later. I’d like to get back to thanking you for being you and being part of my tea community, it means so much to hear random quips about an extreme love for our chai, or about how lovely our bathroom is, or just commentary on the energy & vibe of the space. That energy was created by interacting with you, and will continue as long as I drink tea. 

Stop by this week and say happy anniversary to get 15% off your order. 

The RTR Cha Ren and I look forward to many years of tea with you. 

In tea and love,
